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     Ran Karea,

    In the eve of this new year 2022, I am delighted again through this platform to introduce the development that the government wants to offer to our people in Vanuatu.

    The focus of the government is now on feeder road infrastructure as we want that by 2030, 80% of coverage of feeder road are being used around Vanuatu to support growth of the productive sector and local economy, with the aim of minimizing  urban drift and giving the people the opportunity to develop their own island with the vision and support of the government.

    Airports, Ports and roads are fundamental infrastructure developments for Vanuatu green economy and I am very optimist with a great team around me to enable the needs of the people through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU) and its stakeholders.

    I wish to send my profound gratitude to our foreign partners who have stand for ages with the government to enable many projects through MIPU that are today beneficial to the Government and people of Vanuatu, and I appreciate their continuous support to the Government on arising projects in the days, months and years to come.

    Covid 19 has been an obstacle for many countries in the pacific and around the world; however, for Vanuatu’s perspective, I believe the pandemic is a blessing to the Government and people of Vanuatu as it has given the opportunity for the Government in all its sectors to concentrate on capitalizing, sustaining and building up on its internal resources, thus paying regular visits to the islands to make ascertainment on ongoing infrastructure projects.

    May I encourage everyone who are partners with MIPU to continue to strive with the government to ensure all islands of Vanuatu are included  for new development of roads, airports and ports so that the people can also partner with the Government for a better economy growth in the next 10 to 20 years.

    The positive attitude is required for the betterment of our nation’s infrastructure and I am entrusted with a team of hardworking people who have shown to me during the past 2 years that we can achieve what we plan for, for the goodness of our nation and this through that patriotic spirit of  “Team Work” or “pulling long wan rope” which are MIPU’s working motto.

    The government must ensure an economy based on equitable, sustainable growth that creates jobs and income earning opportunities accessible to all people in rural and urban areas. Thus, an integrated and accessible infrastructure network is required for connecting activities of all sectors of society. Our people expect the government to provide transport infrastructure for easy access to social services and to stimulate economic activities.

    It is my sincere wish that this platform provides you with the information you are expecting from MIPU as we journey together to give service back to our communities.

    Jay NGWELE (MP)

    Minister for Infrastructure and Public utilities